25 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by Estate Cartridge - 1 ounce #8 shot

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Ammo Overview

Quantity - 25 rounds per box
Manufacturer - Estate Cartridge
Load - 12 ga 2-3/4" 1 Ounce #8 Lead Shot


This 12 Gauge shell by Estate Cartridge features one ounce of #8 lead shot. It additionally offers a progressively burning propellant and uniform primer, giving you admirable performance for so affordably priced a shell.

Dove, quail, and partridge are the perfect game to hunt with #8 lead shot. That sized shot provides a decent spread at 30 yards, and its relatively smaller size won’t have a huge issue penetrating those smaller birds’ feathers at that distance. This size of shot particularly shines with clays, and with this shell’s 1,200 fps muzzle velocity you’ll find even high speed trap a simple feat.

Estate’s specialty is the production of cost-effective shells with reliable performance, so you can get the most out of your shotgun without breaking the bank.

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