50 Rounds of .38 Spl Ammo by PMC - 158gr LRN

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Ammo Overview

Quantity - 50 rounds per box
Manufacturer - PMC
Bullets - 158 grain lead round nose (LRN)
Casings - Boxer primed brass


This is a classic loading of the .38 Special cartridge. It represents one of the most used cartridges in handgun history in the lead-based projectile in the .38 Special platform. For many years this was the go-to caliber for just about anything defense related, law enforcement or duty related, and was even used as a dedicated target firearm for many shooters. This load has history, and PMC has reproduced the very straightforward classic look and feel of the cartridge well.

This is a 50-round box of 100% lead 158 grain round nosed projectiles in new brass cartridge casings that feature a Boxer primer and are easily reloadable as a result. For reloaders that like to tinker with the .38 Special rounds, these are a very high end brass donor cartridge. These are a simple, reliable cartridge from the South Korean maker. The PMC line recognizes an excellent reputation in the USA as a producer of top quality ammunition at an affordable price. This is a great example of their philosophies. The lead round nosed projectile will leave a bit more cleanup necessary, but in relation to most budget lines, PMC uses excellent powders and has great tolerance control, so the cleanup and smoke exposure not as bad as you are probably used to if you routinely shoot lower quality ammo.

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