100 Rounds of 12ga Ammo by Hornady BLACK - 00 Buck

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 100 rounds per case; 10 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Hornady
Shot Load - 00 buck
Shell Length - 2-3/4"
Muzzle Velocity - 1,600 fps


Can’t decide between ordering a box of 12 Gauge 00 buck ammo or a whole case? Split the difference! Hornady packages their versatile BLACK shells in convenient 100-round boxes. Still plenty to train, defend or hunt with however you slice it!

This shell is loaded with eight pellets of double-aught. The shot column is cradled by Hornady’s Versatite wad, which strips evenly away from the shot string shortly after expulsion. Alongside the pellets’ superior hardness and sphericity, that delivers precisely the pattern best suited for hunting medium game at close range, as well as all defensive scenarios one might prefer a shotgun for.

Break action. Pump action. Semi-automatic. All of these shotguns cycle and fire Hornady BLACK shotshells quite well. It’s a testament to Hornady’s consistency. Each shell in this case has more or less identical propellant charges, 209 primers, and tightly crimped hulls with smooth-feeding rolled edges.

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