20 Rounds of .300 Win Mag Ammo by Vairog - 190gr Solid Brass

Out of Stock

Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 20 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Vairog
Projectiles - 190 grain solid brass
Ammo Casings - Boxer-primed brass
Muzzle Velocity - TBD
Muzzle Energy - TBD


Looking for a few boxes of 300 Win Mag long-range target ammo? We’ve got the goods by Vairog in stock, and we ship so fast that when you receive your ammo you’ll just nod your head and say “Wow, that was fast.”

This cartridge’s 190 grain bullet is no full metal jacket. Cut it in half and you won’t find a lead core, because it is made of 100 percent solid brass. If you’re planning to work on your long range rifle skills in an area where lead bullets are banned, or simply wish to take a more environmentally friendly approach to target practice, then a monolithic bullet is your friend. If you wish to conserve your rifle’s accuracy, then this solid brass bullet will make you happy by virtually eliminating lead fouling of the bore (we would have said this ammo completely eliminates lead fouling, but there are trace amounts of lead in its primers).

But a monolithic bullet’s greatest benefit is its inherently superior accuracy. Because the bullet is precision machined from bar stock and possesses no voids or other flaws, its rotational stability is unparalleled!

Vairog is a large component and ammo producer with a factory in Tennessee. Their 300 Win Mag ammo features match grade reloadable brass cases, as well as responsive Boxer primers which cannot corrode your rifle.

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