25 Rounds of 20ga Ammo by Federal Upland Steel - 3/4 ounce #7.5 shot

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Ammo Overview

Ammo Quantity - 25 rounds per box
Ammo Manufacturer - Federal
Shot Load - #7.5 shot
Shell Length - 2-3/4"


Upland game hunting is great fun. Eating meat that may have been contaminated by lead shot, getting fined for hunting with lead projectiles, or enduring the nagging sense that you’re polluting your beautiful surroundings – those things are all considerably less fun. That’s why you want this Upland Steel 20 Gauge ammo by Federal!

This shotshell is loaded with 3/4 ounces of #7.5 shot. The 0.95” diameter pellets are ideal for relatively fragile game like quail, rail, and cottontail, which they’ll dependably anchor without turning into cat scraps. This shell’s shot is made with eco-friendly steel instead of poisonous lead. Federal boosted its muzzle velocity to a swift 1,500 fps, giving the relatively lightweight shot pellets ample momentum to kill downrange.

This shotshell further offers a high quality wad, which will save your bore from becoming etched by hard steel shot. Federal’s primer and propellant are both clean burning to prevent rust and gummy residue buildup, and their hull and brass head will prove more than capable of being reloaded many times!

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