The .30-06 remains the most prolific multi-purpose rifle caliber in North America, eclipsing newcomers, short magnums, and dedicated precision cartridges. Sure, a lot of those calibers may do one or two things better, the aught-six is the undisputed, shall we say, cruiserweight champ.
So what is is the makes the .30-06 such consistently viable and useful performer? Versatility. There are bullets in the caliber ranging from very light 110- to 125-grains, which are excellent, flat shooting varminters, to mid-weights which are 150- to 180-grains, covering the spectrum for all deer, antelope, elk, moose, black bear, etc. There are even some heavyweight thumpers over 200-grains. Some hunters have gone as high as taking cape buffalo with the .30-06, a great testament to its versatility.
Remington Core-Lokt 180-grain soft point (SP) is, as they say, “the most dangerous mushroom in the woods”. What a great tagline. But in all seriousness, this is a good heavier bullet which will bode well against the largest North American game. The muzzle velocity posts numbers of 2,700 fps at the barrel, and about 2,500 fps at 100 yards.
Go ahead and stock up now before the seasons are upon us to get your rifle zeroed for that big buck or bull.
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