50 Rounds of .38 Spl Ammo by Fiocchi - 158gr FMJ

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1 Review(s)

Ammo Overview

Quantity - 50 rounds per box
Manufacturer - Fiocchi
Bullets - 158 grain full metal jacket (FMJ)
Casings - Boxer-primed brass


Perhaps one of the most special rounds of its era, the .38 Special has been instrumental in helping to train some of the greatest competitive shooters of our time. The Fiocchi 158gr .38 Special Full Metal Jacket is a new twist on a classic round, and built for performance in 21st century.

The Fiocchi 158gr FMJ is a revolver round built from the ground up for self defense purposes. At 158gr, the Fiocchi .38 Special has an average muzzle velocity of 950 feet per second, followed-up by a whopping 300 foot lbs of force. The semi-wadcutter hollow point design is engineered for maximum expansion on impact, and is capable of penetrating through denim and other thick fabrics with minimal bullet deformation.

Brand new virgin brass cases ensure a tight seal around the base of the round, and make for consistent chamber pressures regardless of the lost or date of manufacture. Competitive revolver shooters and patriots interested in using a revolver as a tool for self defense will be well armed with the Fiocchi 158gr .38 Special FMJ.

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