For long-term ammo storage, we recommend throwing a couple of silica gel packs into a mil-spec ammo can. Mil-spec ammo cans are designed to be airtight and watertight but there is some humidity in the air when you open the can and if you're storing the ammo in the original cardboard manufacturer packages there can be small amounts of moisture that the cardboard has absorbed as well. Throwing a couple of desiccant packs into your ammo can is going the extra mile to ensure that your ammo has a longer shelf life. Allowing humidity to contact ammunition for long periods of time can cause corrosion which can make ammunition unsafe. While this process takes time, if you'd like to have peace of mind that your ammo will last for many years, storing in an ammo can with a few desiccant packs is a proven winner.
The ideal method to increase your ammo's shelf life is to store it in a safe area that has stable temperatures avoiding extreme cold or heat and avoiding humidity.
This unit includes 10-5 gram desiccant packs that come in a vacuum sealed poly bag. While each packet looks pretty small it is rated to cover almost 650 cubic inches in an airtight space.
The ideal method to increase your ammo's shelf life is to store it in a safe area that has stable temperatures avoiding extreme cold or heat and avoiding humidity.
This unit includes 10-5 gram desiccant packs that come in a vacuum sealed poly bag. While each packet looks pretty small it is rated to cover almost 650 cubic inches in an airtight space.
Product Question and Answer
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Q: All packets are in one sealed bag so you have to open the bag to take out some to use correct? Wouldn't it defeats the purpose of keeping the remaining ones air tight since they are exposed to air when you open bag and grab some. How do you protect the ones not being used after opening the bag?
Posted On: 1/29/2020 By: Debra McLaren
A: Sorry for the late response! Good Question: We would personally use a Ziploc bag or mason jar for the job of keeping our silica desiccant pouches fresh.