50 Rounds of .45 ACP Ammo by Sinterfire - 140gr Frangible

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Ammo Overview

Quantity - 50 rounds per box
Manufacturer - Sinterfire
Bullets - 140 grain Frangible Reduced Hazard V-Force (RHVF)
Casings - Boxer-primed brass (Sintox® lead-free )


SinterFire would like to make the Reduced Hazard V-Force Frangible projectile a household name. It’s had a good run so far with the public uproar about lead contamination and the recent regulations passed to keep lead exposure to a minimum in shooting facilities. This isn’t just a California and New York thing though, the laws everywhere are starting to reflect the importance of lead exposure. Shooting sports is not an immune industry. While the argument could be made that the exposure to lead of even the heaviest volume shooters is ridiculously, negligibly low, that won’t stop ranges from adopting more lead mitigation strategies and tactics. Similarly state and federal laws will continue to be passed that limit the use of the heavy metal.

SinterFire believes they have the answer. A powdered, frangible sintered metal that is press molded to dissipate on impact into a bunch of particles and small pieces. Furthermore, the RWS SinTox primers which literally portray the lack (sin) of toxic heavy metals (tox) mean that the overall lead exposure is exceptionally low for those who use this ammunition. With many ranges mandating a frangible or anti ricochet projectile, this may be a good time to start dabbling in the new wave of Green Ammo.

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